Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation Team

Mission Statement:

The Mid-Plains Community College Campus Assessment, Response, & Evaluation (CARE) Team is dedicated to supporting MPCC students in distress and ensuring campus safety. We provide personalized assistance and resources while managing risks to maintain a healthy and secure college environment. Our approach utilizes tools and rubrics from the National Association for Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (NABITA) alongside college resources.

The Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation Team at Mid-Plains Community College is an area-wide threat assessment and behavioral intervention team that monitors threats to the campus community. The CARE Team serves the college service area by providing threat assessment, case management, and intervention strategies. 

Please make contact with the CARE team when:
• An individual exhibits behavior that is threatening to themselves or others.
• Is overly aggressive or threatening to others.
• Is disruptive to the mission of Mid-Plains Community College.
• May be indicative of future and potentially escalated threats to students or the community.

Is the student a danger to themselves or others, or does the community member need immediate assistance for any reason?

YES – The student’s conduct is clearly and imminently reckless, disorderly, dangerous, or threatening and is suggestive of harm to self or others in the community.

Step #1 - Call Local Law Enforcement

Step #2 – Report concern to Dr. Brian Obert (308-362-7560) or Jason Osmotherly (308-535-3635) or complete an Incident Report.

NOT SURE – The student shows signs of distress, but I am not sure how serious it is. My interaction has left me feeling uneasy and/or concerned about the student.

CALL – Dr. Brian Obert (308-362-7560) or Jason Osmotherly (308-535-3635) for consultation. If they are not available, leave a message including the best way to contact you.

NO – I am not concerned for the immediate safety of the student, but he/she is having significant academic and/or personal issues and could use some support or additional resources.

Step #1 - Report concern to a CARE Team member or complete an Incident Report.


  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual harassment
  • Dating/Relationship/domestic violence
  • Stalking
  • Hate crimes related to sex or gender

Step #1 - Report to Rebecca Wrage, Title IX Coordinator (308-535-3679) or complete an Incident Report.


If you would like to make a report to the Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) Team: 

  1. Go to Report an Incident on the MPCC website.
  2. Read the information on the page.
  3. If you wish to proceed, click “Make a Report.”
  4. Complete the report and click submit.

You may contact a member of the CARE Team on your campus (see Campus Assessment, response, and Evaluation Team (CARE) Members below).

  1. When a referral is received, the CARE Team will assess the information, supporting documentation or materials, and follow-up with relevant resources as required. Respect for privacy and personal dignity will be prioritized when possible during the review.
  2. Once the assessment is complete, the Team will evaluate the material in the context of the NABITA 20 Questions Supplemental Flowchart for the NaBITA Risk Rubric and determine what level of risk, if any, is present.
  3. The appropriate institutional response will be guided by on the level of risk identified in the NaBITA Risk Rubric, relevant situational information identified in the assessment, and the best judgment of the CARE Team.
  4. The individual/situation will be monitored until it is determined that the current risk has been mitigated, the individual’s best interests are met, and the safety of the community has been addressed based on the information available.

McCook CARE Team:

Dean of Student Life (Chair) - Dr. Brian Obert

Vice President of Student Services and McCook Community College - Kelly Rippen

Dean of Business and Humanities - Dr. Dharma Jairam

Title IX Coordinator - Rebecca Wrage

Director of Library Resources - Kathleen Wheeler

Director of Safety and Security - James Taylor

Assistant Director of Residence Life - Genevieve Hopkinson

Faculty- Renelle Mooney

Faculty- Dr. Mary Wilson

North Platte CARE Team:

Associate Dean of Student Life (Chair) - Jason Osmotherly

Vice President of Academic Affairs and North Platte Community College - Dr. Jody Tomanek

Dean of Math, Science, and Applied Technology - Clint Reading

Title IX Coordinator - Rebecca Wrage

Director of Advising - Susan Horne

Director of Student Success & Retention - Bobbi Muehlenkamp

Assistant Director of Residence Life - Kade Erickson

Assistant Director of Safety and Security - Benjamin Schmidt

Faculty - Jimi Cole


  • Mid-Plains Community College will pursue disciplinary, civil, or criminal action as appropriate under the circumstances against any person who engages in violence, threats of violence, or intimidation.
  • Mid-Plains Community College prohibits retaliation against persons who make reports in good faith.
  • Individuals who file knowingly false or misleading reports or provide knowingly false or misleading information in an inquiry may face disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from MPCC.