College Costs

Tuition, fee, and refund rates are set by the Mid-Plains Community College Board of Governors. Rates become effective at the start of the fall term each year.

Tuition and Fees (cost per credit hour)

  Tuition Fees Total
Nebraska Resident $104 $16 $120
Border-state Resident * $104 $16 $120
Senior Citizen (resident & border-state) $36 $16 $52
Out-of-state Resident $135 $16 $151
Senior Citizen (out-of-state) $47 $16 $63
Dual Credit (must be a current high school student) $34 $16 $50

* Border-State Tuition - students of Colorado, Kansas, South Dakota & Wyoming.

* Veterans, spouses, and legal dependents who currently reside or show intent to reside in Nebraska according to Board Policy 5130 and the Nebraska Statute 85-502 through 85-502.01 will be offered in-state tuition.

* The senior citizen rate only applies to those who have reached their 62nd birthday at the time they register for classes. This discount will not apply to non-credit classes or situations where a third party is responsible for the payment of the tuition or fees.

* Fees are defined as follows:
Student Activites Fee - $1.00
Facilities Fee - $5.00
General Fee - $8.00
Technology Fee - $2.00

Note: Course fees are additional and based on course type.

Housing and Meal Breakdown (cost per semester)

  Room Costs Meal Plan Meal Plan Costs Total
NPCC - North Campus $1,615 14 $1,880 $3,495
  $1,615 19 $2,176 $3,791
  Room Costs Meal Plan Meal Plan Costs Total
NPCC - South Campus $1,740 14 $1,880 $3,620
  $1,740 19 $2,176 $3,916
  Room Costs Meal Plan Meal Plan Costs Total
MCC - Brooks Hall  $1,640 14 $1,880 $3,520
  $1,640 19 $2,176 $3,816
  Room Costs Meal Plan Meal Plan Costs Total
MCC - Housing Complex $1,740 14 $1,880 $3,620
  $1,740 19 $2,176 $3,916
  Room Costs Meal Plan Meal Plan Costs Total
Accelerated EMT Housing $1,865 19 $1,849 $3,714


Tuition and Fees (cost per credit hour)

  Tuition Fees Total
Nebraska Resident $108 $16 $124
Border-state Resident * $108 $16 $124
Senior Citizen (resident & border-state) $38 $16 $54
Out-of-state Resident $140 $16 $156
Senior Citizen (out-of-state) $49 $16 $65
Dual Credit (must be a current high school student) $34 $16 $50

* Border-State Tuition - students of Colorado, Kansas, South Dakota & Wyoming.

* Veterans, spouses, and legal dependents who currently reside or show intent to reside in Nebraska according to Board Policy 5130 and the Nebraska Statute 85-502 through 85-502.01 will be offered in-state tuition.

* The senior citizen rate only applies to those who have reached their 62nd birthday at the time they register for classes. This discount will not apply to non-credit classes or situations where a third party is responsible for the payment of the tuition or fees.

* Fees are defined as follows:
Student Activites Fee - $1.00
Facilities Fee - $5.00
General Fee - $8.00
Technology Fee - $2.00

Note: Course fees are additional and based on course type.

Housing and Meal Breakdown (cost per semester)

  Room Costs Meal Plan Meal Plan Costs Total
NPCC - North Campus $1,650 14 $1,975 $3,625
  $1,650 19 $2,295 $3,945
  Room Costs Meal Plan Meal Plan Costs Total
NPCC - South Campus $1,775 14 $1,975 $3,750
  $1,775 19 $2,295 $4,070
  Room Costs Meal Plan Meal Plan Costs Total
MCC - Brooks Hall  $1,675 14 $1,975 $3,650
  $1,675 19 $2,295 $3,970
  Room Costs Meal Plan Meal Plan Costs Total
MCC - Housing Complex $1,775 14 $1,975 $3,750
  $1,775 19 $2,295 $4,070
  Room Costs Meal Plan Meal Plan Costs Total
Accelerated EMT Housing $1,900 19 $1,960 $3,860


Cost of Attendance Components Per Year
Housing (average housing plan)    
Resident (On-campus)  $1,615 $3,230
Non-resident (Off-campus) $3,632 $7,264
Parent $1,500 $3,000
Meals * $2,198 $4,396
Tuition and Fees (based on 15-credit hours)    
In-state or border-state resident $1,800 $3,600
Out-of-state $2,265 $4,530
Books & supplies $800 $1,600
Loan fees $26 $52
Parent PLUS Loan fees ^ $86 $172
Miscellaneous expenses $440 $880
Transportation $1,200 $2,400

* Meals are based on 21 meals per week and do not align with Mid-Plains Community College meal plan costs.
^ Loan fees are averaged.


Additional Program Fees
  Fall Spring Summer Year
EAC Program        
Year One $2,050     $2,050
Year Two $900     $900
Associate Degree Nursing        
Uniform $574     $574
Course fees $825 $825   $1650
Certification (year two students only)   $400   $400
Licensed Practical Nurse        
Uniform and equipment $574     $574
Additional course fees $603 $505   $1108
Professional certification     $400 $400
Diesel Technology        
Uniform and equipment $5,000     $5,000
Welding Technology        
Uniform and equipment $400     $400
HVAC Technology        
Uniform and equipment $2,600     $2,600
Professional certification     $216 $216
Electrical Technology        
Uniform and equipment $750     $750
Professional certification     $40 $40
Autobody Technology        
Uniform and equipment $8,000     $8,000
Uniform and equipment $4,500     $4,500
Professional certification   $35   $35
Building Construction Technology        
Uniform and equipment $300     $300
Accelerated Paramedic        
Program Charge $2,200     $2,200
Clinical tuition & fees $1,668     $1,668
Didactic tuition & fees   $4,580   $4,580
Clinical tuition & fees (Out-of-state) $1,634     $1,634
Didactic tuition and fees (Out-of state)   $4,937   $4,937
Clinical tuition and fees (border state) $1,978     $1,978
Didactic tuition and fees (border state)   $5,402   $5,402

To be eligible to register under the resident tuition rate at Mid-Plains Community College, Nebraska residency must be established according to these guidelines:

  1. Paraphrasing Nebraska State School Law pertaining to residency requirements, (85-502) a resident is a person who is of legal age or is an emancipated minor and shall have established a home in Nebraska where he or she is habitually present for a minimum of one-hundred-eighty days, with the bona fide intention of making this state his or her permanent residence, and which can be supported by documentary proof.
  2. If the student is considered a minor child (under 19 years of age) and his/her parents or guardian meet any of the criteria.
  3. If the student is absent from Nebraska, the duration must be for less than one year and he/she must have been classified as a resident at the time of departure.
  4. The student is married to an individual who meets any of the above criteria. All other persons shall be classified as non-resident for tuition purposes. Any individual wishing to appeal his/her classification should submit a written request containing the justification to the Area Dean of Student Life.
  5. Any student who has been classified as out-of-state residency status and believes he/she may now qualify for resident status must submit a completed Request to Change Residency Statue form along with documentation to prove State of NE residency status.
  6. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the process once the 6 month (180 days) requirement has been satisfied.
  7. Residency change forms (Request to Change Residency Status) are available within CampusWeb Student options on the MPCC website, at any Registration & Records location in North Platte and McCook, and at any extended campus location, and above on this webpage.
  8. Examples of proof of residency include the following items, which must be dated at least six months prior to the date of the change request.
  • High school transcript confirming graduation from an accredited Nebraska high school
  • Nebraska voter registration
  • Nebraska driver's license
  • Vehicle registration
  • Payroll records
  • Proof of property purchase
  • Utility deposit
  • Tax return
  • Form and documentation should be sent to Registration & Records at any campus location. Tuition rate changes become effective once your paperwork is processed.

All financial obligations to the instuition must be paid before a student may register for any new courses and before transcripts, grades and diplomas will be released. Financial obligations include (but are not limited to) tuition, fees, room and board, housing violations and library fines. Unpaid accounts will be at risk of being turned over to a collection agency.

Any student dropping a class before the class starts will receive 100% reversal of tuition and fees. Students must formally withdraw from any course they do not intend to complete.

After a class begins, students who discontinue their course of study may receive a prorated refund of tuition and fees. The amount of time the student attends, as a percentage of the total course length, will be the method of computation.

The drop/withdrawal date will be the date the student formally withdraws from a course. An official written request is required. Failure of the student to attend a class does not dismiss a student’s responsibility to pay an unpaid balance owed to the college on courses not officially dropped.

Official Registration/Registration Change forms are available at campus Welcome Centers or online at

All days are included in the computation including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

A student is entitled to a refund computed on the following formula and tables:

Drops: 12.5% (census date) - 100% (tuition & fees)

Withdrawals: 25% - 60% (tuition only)

Withdrawals: Over 25% - No Refund

One and two day classes are excluded from refunds after the beginning session. In order to receive a refund, a student must first have contacted their advisor to complete the drop/withdraw process. Refund checks are issued by mail by the College Business Office. If the student has an unpaid balance owed to the college the refund will be reduced by the amount of the unpaid balance.

Students who have credit balances will receive a refund within 30 days.

A student has the right to release non-directory information about their educational records to specific individuals, businesses or organizations. Records pertaining to enrollment information, class attendance, student billing, account holds, financial aid or athletic or residence hall experiences, as examples, can be designated to others and revoked at the student’s discretion. Forms for Permission to Release Non-Directory Information can be obtained in any campus Welcome Center, at the college website or found on the Students section of CampusWeb.

Students initiate this process by submitting a written request for an exception to an add, drop, or withdrawal deadline or to a college financial policy as outlined in Student Accounts or Residence Life documents and handbooks.

The request is submitted via electronic form.
The request should include Student’s name and contact information, what the student would like to have happened and why. Also, documentation that provides evidence that unusual circumstances prevented the student from taking action within standard deadlines.

Important Note

If the Financial Aid Office has not received your required paperwork early enough to complete your financial aid package (tuition waiver, PELL, SEOG, NSG, Stafford, Scholarships, or any other type of waiver), you must be prepared to pay the balance due from other means.